Other random translations

Below are some random short translations done.

Bat and Scorpion

Bat and Scorpion

Bat and Scorpion

A random scene between a bat and a scorpion. (Non human!)

Author: whisky老鹿

Translated Chapters:

001 |



A series of short manhua.

Author: whisky老鹿

Translated Chapters:

10 - 1 = 0 | Dear |

A Series of Veggie shorts (GL &BL)

A Series of Veggie shorts (GL &BL)

Veggie Series

A messy relationship between some fruits and vegetable. A shitty cucumber tries to get rid of Miss tomato’s love interest, Miss Cherry.

Author : 绘灵- clever cool

Translated Chapters:

001 | 002 | 003



A Kaoru Moriya X Yuka Sugai fan fiction

Author: 哈珀君

Translated Chapters: